Tuesday, December 19, 2017


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Thank you Navigator parents for making our Holiday Breakfast such a success!
We hope you and your family have a safe and wonderful holiday break.  We appreciate your kind and thoughtful cards and gifts and look forward to a great 2018 when we return!

The Navigator Team
Mrs. Clark, Ms. Guin, Mr. Nobles, and Mrs. Simmons

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Holiday Celebrations

Monday, December 18th ~Tacky Sweater Day
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Tuesday, December 19th ~
Holiday Breakfast Celebration

Sunday, December 10, 2017

6th Grade Winter Dance ~ Rescheduled

Image result for google snowman image freeThe 6th Grade Winter Dance has been rescheduled for Friday, December 15th. Click HERE for details.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Whole Scoop ~ BGIS Spirit Night!

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Whole Scoop Spirit Night ~ Tuesday, December 12th 
3:00 - 8:00

Click HERE to see the flyer.

Friday, December 1, 2017


Supporting a child in need takes only a few minutes. Each year, YWCA Central Alabama hosts a magical holiday event for children who are homeless or otherwise in need. With your help, these families will experience the season free of sadness and worry –just as the holidays should be.

Toys will be collected from November 27th – December 7th
Toys can be dropped off in the front lobby.

GIFT IDEAS: Games, Clothes, Stuffed Animals, Books, Dolls, Jewelry

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Once toys are collected the BUCS Club students will assist the YWCA as Santa’s Helpers in distributing the toys to the families.

Friday, November 10, 2017

6th Grade Winter Dance ~ Dec. 8th

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The Sixth Grade Winter Dance will be Friday, December 8th from 5:30 - 7:00.  Click HERE for more details.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Spirit Night ~ Tuesday, November 14th

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     Sound the alarm, dinner is served! 
Please join us at FIREHOUSE SUBS for BGIS SPIRIT NIGHT! Tuesday, November 14th 4-8 pm 
20% of sales will be donated to Brock’s Gap!
Firehouse Subs: Patton Creek Location 
181 Main Street, Suite 213, 35244

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Red Ribbon Week ~ Oct. 23 - 27

Healthy Bodies, Healthy Choice, Helping Others!
Click HERE for details for the week!
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Friday, October 13, 2017

Donuts with Dad

October 20th our cafeteria will be hosting "DONUTS FOR DAD". Click the link below to sign up!
Sign Up

Veteran's Day ~ November 9th

If students would like to invite a guest to our Veterans Day Program on November 9th at 8:45 a.m., they should sign up using this link.

Also, here is the letter that Mr. Mitchell sent out about our program.  It explains in detail and also has the form to sign up embedded in it. 


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Spirit Week: October 16th - 20th

Please click HERE for the Daily Dress Up Schedule

Friday, October 6, 2017

Haunted Hallways at Hoover High

Haunted Halls at Hoover High: For those interested….
Haunted Hallways!

If you dare to face your fears this Halloween,
enter the Haunted Hallways of Hoover High School
on Friday the 13th through October 14th.  Tickets are only $7
and the haunting will last from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. each night.
To enter, park in the front, come through the darkened front entrance of the school and proceed to the courtyard where you will buy your ticket. Brought to you by Hoover Theatre and SGA.

* Under 12 years of age can only attend if with an adult.

* No one can enter in costume.

Friday, September 29, 2017

6th Grade: Then & Now ~ Parent Opportunity

6TH GRADE: THEN and NOW: Morphing into a 21st century parent

Have you heard of a Gizmo?  What about the online agenda?  What is Newsela? How does Google Classroom work? Come and discover what a day in the academic life of your sixth grader looks and feels like!   We will cover all of those topics and much more.  See how these resources impact your student's learning!  You are invited to choose a time on Tuesday, October 17 that best fits your schedule and spend some time with Ms. Carol Lollar and Mrs.Leigh Ann Roe.  We are two experienced National Board Certified teachers and Moms who have survived sixth grade with our own children! Please complete the form for your RSVP by Monday, October 16th!  Come with an open mind and positive mindset....We all believe in the Growth Mindset!
Click on this link and complete the form...we look forward to seeing you there!

Shoes for Sugarbelle!

SHOES for Sugarbelle
Beginning October 2-27 the Earthsavers/Science Club will be collecting shoes for our Shoes For Sugarbelle  Fundraiser. Please send in your used/old shoes.  THANK YOU!!

About the program:
Sugarbelle Foundation is a registered 501-c3, whose mission is to keep pets and people together. We accomplish this by providing financial assistance, to the best of our ability, to pet owners and Good Samaritans who have an animal in need, temporary fosters homes, food, and any other necessary items for pets and their people.
All donated shoes are redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of microenterprise partners in developing nations.  Funds2Orgs helps impoverished people start, maintain and grow businesses in countries such as Haiti, Honduras and other nations in Central America and Africa. Proceeds from the shoe sales are in turn to feed, clothe and house their families. Funds2Org believes the HAND UP is more beneficial than the HAND OUT because it teaches people how to be self-sufficient which is also what Sugarbelle Foundation strives to do when helping pets and their families. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

See You At the Pole

BGIS First Priority will host
at Brocks Gap Flagpole in front of school on Wednesday, September 27th beginning at 7:30AM.

...students, faculty, staff, parents, and neighbors.
Love to see you out there!
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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Way to go BGIS!

Thank you so much for your support of our Hats for Hurricane drive.  BGIS raised over $1500.00 for San Jacinto Intermediate School in Texas.  We also received many donated items to send to Texas.  A segment aired on Fox 6 News with a story about the connection to San Jacinto Intermediate:

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

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Brock’s Gap Intermediate School would like to help our friends in Texas that are suffering from the devastation and flooding caused by the recent hurricane. We are adopting a school in Texas  (San Jacinto Intermediate with Pasadena Independent School District )and collecting money and gift cards that will go directly to the families of children in the school to help with relief efforts.  On Friday, September 15th, we will have “Hat Day”.  Students may wear their favorite hat all day and make a minimum $1.00 donation.  You may also donate Walmart gift cards.  

If you would rather donate items, a local church is leaving on September 16th to Texas.  They are collecting the following supplies only:  Cases of bottled water, baby diapers, baby wipes, baby formula, construction grade trash bags, leather gloves, disposable cleaning gloves, respirator breathing masks, and cases of Clorox.Brock’s Gap will get the supplies to the church the afternoon of the 15th.  

Picture Day ~ Friday, September 8th!

Don't forget ...picture day is Friday, September 8th!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Chick-fil-A Spirit Night

Chick-fil- A Spirit Night will be Tuesday, September 12th from 6 AM - 8 PM.  Upload your receipt in the Planet Fundraiser App and BGIS will receive 15% of the sale. Only at the GROVE location.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Earthsavers Science Club

If you are interested in Earthsavers Science Club, you need to pick up an application in any of the offices and return to Mrs. Maynard.  If you have any questions, please email her at jmaynard@hoover.k12.al.us

Pokemon Club

Are you interested in the Pokemon Club?  Have your parents fill out the link to join.  We will meet each Tuesday in Room 305 on the 6th grade Explorer Hall.  You must have your parents fill out the form to be able to attend.  Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 5th.  See you then!


Monday, August 28, 2017

Student Council Officer Elections

Please fill out the link below by Tuesday, August 29th at 3:00 PM if you are interested in being a Student Council officer this year.


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Parent Night Agenda ~ August 28th

5:30 PM 6th Grade Choir Parent Meetings (Choir Room)
5:30 PM 6th Grade Band Meeting (Band Room)
6:00 PM PTO Open House begins (Competition Gym)
6:15 PM Introduction of all Teachers (Competition Gym)
6:30 PM Welcome and Notes for 2017-2018 by Administration (Competition Gym)
6:45 PM Parents to halls for team presentation
7:20 PM Dismiss

ACT Aspire Individual Student Score Packets from 2017 Testing Session will be available for parent pick up at the table in the lobby.

INOW Home Portal Information including login/passcodes will be handed out by HR teachers after team presentations.

Magazine Fundraiser

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It´s time for our awesome annual PTO fundraiser!  Turn in days will be every Wednesday starting August 30th for the next 4 weeks!

Very important for students to label their orders so they get proper credit for PRIZES!
Make sure students fill out the forms LEGIBLY!  This helps so much with the process of tallying orders and getting the information processed.

Thank you in advance for helping BGIS!

Message from PTO ~ BGIS T-Shirts

BGIS will have spirit days on Thursdays, so we would love for you to encourage your students to wear these or any spirit shirt to show their school spirit each week!

They are also great to wear on spirit nights, football games, field trips, Camp McDowell and for parents and chaperones.

We still have inventory in youth adult sizes, and orders will be filled going forward as they come in (usually within a week.)  They can be ordered on myschoolfees.  All Spirit Wear orders through Augjust 17th have been distributed to the homeroom teachers to hand out last week.  If any parents have questions about their orders they are welcome to contact me directly at Ashley Mason (ashleybmason@yahoo.com)

Page 51...

Page 51 in the agenda needs to be signed by students and parents and returned no later than Wednesday, August 30th.

Friday, August 25, 2017

A message from the school nurse...


Please make sure you contact the school nurse with any need for your child to have medication at school. A prescriber/parent authorization form must be presented to the nurse along with the medication before any student is allowed to have medication at school.

An adult needs to bring the medication along with the signed paperwork to the nurse. If you have any questions, please call Tyra Walker, RN at


A message from the BGIS Counselors...

At BGIS the school counseling services are addressed through the three major domains of the American School Counselor Association - Academic, Career, and Personal/Social.  We are asking parents, teachers, and students to complete a short needs assessment in order to help us provide services through our counseling program.  Thank you for your time and input.  We look forward to working and collaborating with you this year!

Mrs, Bruno and Mrs. Robichaux

Here is the link...  Needs Assessment

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Welcome Back!

                                   Setting the Stage for Success!

We look forward to having your child on the Navigator Team!

Please complete the  form below using the link provided by Tuesday, August 15th.